Native WordPress Gallery With Large Main Image & Thumbnails Below (Allure Gallery)
I needed to create this style of gallery for a WordPress project and I was extremely surprised to find that none of the major gallery plugins had this layout. There’s all sorts of grids, masonry styles, lightbox popups, etc. However, there’s not a single simple large image with thumbnails underneath gallery.
The first thing I did was create the styles and javascript to modify the native WordPress gallery. They can be seen on this CodePen.
After creating the styles and scripts, I thought…shouldn’t the user have the choice to activate the functionality on some galleries, but not on others. From those thoughts the Allure Gallery WordPress plugin was born.
The Allure Gallery plugin hijacks the native WordPress gallery shortcode and “Gallery Settings” in order to inject the styles and javascript needed for the Allure Gallery. You just activate the plugin and select “yes” for activated the Allure Gallery. Instructions and images can be seen on the Github repo page, linked below. BTW, yesterday Github was down for 3hrs. Woah!!