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How To Save Isotope Filters Across Page Reload

By August 15, 2017AJAX, Blog, Javascript, LocalStorage
Allure Web Solutions Code Snippet

In this blog post I will show how to save isotope filters across page reloads. This means that when you refresh the page, the previously selected isotope filters will apply. This concept can easily be applied to any of the other grid type libraries that have filtering such as shuffle.js. We will be using LocalStorage to save the filter settings.

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Basic Isotope Initiation

var $container = $('.posts'),
                 filters = {},
                 $filterContainer = $('#post-filter');
$(window).on('load', function () {
    // Fire Isotope only when images are loaded
        itemSelector: '.post',
        masonry: {},

    // filter buttons
    $filterContainer.on('click', 'a', function (e) {
        var $this = $(this);
        // Make sure filter links have the data-filter attribute
        var filterValue = $( this ).attr('data-filter');
        // use filterFn if matches value
        filterValue = filterFns[ filterValue ] || filterValue;

        // perform filtering
        $container.isotope({filter: filterValue});

        return false;

Function to Save to LocalStorage

function saveToLocalStorage(filter) {
    // create date object
    var object = {
        timestamp: new Date().getTime(),

    // save date = JSON.stringify(object);

    // save filters
    localStorage.postFilters = filter;

Update Isotope Initiation Function

We need to call the saveToLocalStorage() function inside the Isotope initiation now. We do when when the filter button is clicked. So we add the line saveToLocalStorage(filterValue); to the original initiation.

$filterContainer.on('click', 'a', function (e) {
    var $this = $(this);
    // Make sure filter links have the data-filter attribute
    var filterValue = $( this ).attr('data-filter');
    // use filterFn if matches value
    filterValue = filterFns[ filterValue ] || filterValue;

    // perform filtering
    $container.isotope({filter: filterValue});
    // save filters

    return false;

Load Page with Filters from LocalStorage

// load filters from localstorage
if (localStorage.postFilters) {
        filter: localStorage.postFilters,

Clear Filters

We may want to clear filters as well after some amount of days. In the example below, we clear filters after 15 days. Add this to the top of your javascript file.

// clear filters after 15 days
(function clearLocalStorage() {
    function addDays(date, days) {
        var result = new Date(date);
        result.setDate(result.getDate() + days);
        return result;

    if ( {
        let object = JSON.parse(,
            dateString = object.timestamp,
            now = new Date().getTime();

        if (now === addDays(dateString, 15).getTime())



Author allure

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Join the discussion 10 Comments

  • Gregor says:

    Hi Mike, great job for isotope local storage!

    But I have a question about saving previous states, when I reload webpage I get previous data and when I click on my another checkbox localStorage updated and I lose previous data.

    Can you help me with it?
    If you have a link to a working example, that would be great.

    • Mike Doubintchik says:

      It sounds like you want to store filters under certain conditions, but as you’ve currently built it, you store filters on every change of the filters. Is my understanding correct?

      If so, you will need to write those conditions into the filtering function. For example (in psuedocode):

      if (x === condition) {
      • Gregor says:

        When I clicked on filter and reload page, all filters and localStorage data show correctly, but when I choose any option – localStorage updated, but I want to give the possibility to continue the selection of other options until the user clicks to clear the filter.

        Only “clear filter” button should clear localStorage and filter.
        If the filter is not cleared, we continue to add new data to the localStorage, even after reloading the page

      • Gregor says:

        Yes, I want to save localStorage after page reloaded and if user clicked on another filter option I want to add this option to localStorage (add to previous values).

  • Gregor says:

    This is my code and this code return me the undefined for localStorage postfilter:

    if (localStorage.postFilters) {

    filter: localStorage.postFilters

  • Mike Doubintchik says:

    You would need to add code like this (psuedo code):

    // clear filters after 15 days
    function clearLocalStorage() {
    $('body').on('click', '.clear-button', clearLocalStorage);

    Then you would modify the saving of the filters to have this condition:

     // save filters
    if (!localStorage.postFilters) {
    • Gregor says:

      I will try to explain step by step:

      I have a sidebar with chechbox list, for example:

      Option 1
      Option 2
      Option 3
      Option 4
      Option 5

      1. On first page load, I choose the Option 2, localStorage was updated and I have Option 2 in my localStorage, it’s working.

      2. I’m reload the web page and I choose the Option 3.

      And after that my localStorage is updated and I have only Option 3 in the localStorage. But I want to keep the previous option too (Option 2).

      • Gregor says:

        and thanks in advance, I appreciate your support!

      • Gregor says:

        I want to have a posibility saving several options in my localStorage, and after reloading web page I want to have posibility to save additional options (including previous).

        Thanks in advance!

  • Gregor says:

    Mike? Do you have any ideas?

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