Amazon S3 WP Uploads Hosting + Amazon Cloudfront CDN Hosting media is one of the best wordpress hosting sites on Amazon S3 and using the Amazon Cloudfront CDN for serving…

Below is the structure for adding bootstrap, or any other node module SCSS. The hardest part was to get the syntax correctly for the imports and knowing that you need…

This article is about how to create and use a local git repo as a remote. The use case I’m using this for is for secure SSL certificate storage. We…

Add this to the top of your JS file to allow console logging for any sort of console message. /*eslint no-console: [“error”, { allow: [“warn”, “error”, “log”] }] */

In this post, I show how to setup a simple environment based configuration for your WordPress site. It’s useful in situations where you’re using minification/concatenation in your build depending on…

If you want to add your own git repo as a composer package you can use the code snippet below. The attributes you will need to replace with your own:…

First of all, what is SASS globbing (I will use SASS and SCSS interchangeably): SASS globbing is when you, during CSS pre-processing, automatically detect all partial SCSS files within defined…

You would be amazed of how many things your command-line can do for WP

With our snippet, you will never have to write ‘sudo npm’ again!

We are sharing a starter kit with both WP-Bones and gulp[+bower] included. You will be amazed!